The Role of Psychedelics in Medicine

In recent decades, psychedelic drugs have been used as medicines. Today, some psychedelic drugs are being studied for their various abilities
The Role of Psychedelics in Medicine

People have long associated psychedelic medicine with counterculture, but a growing body of research aims to rehabilitate their effects on mental health.

These participants received either a single or two doses spaced several days apart. Researchers then scanned their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow. At the same time, they performed memory tasks before and after taking the drug.

The same survey found that almost one in every three Americans who had used psychedelic medicine said they did so for therapeutic purposes.

The results suggest that illegal substances may change our understanding of how drugs affect psychology and medicine, and we should take their potential use in treating depression and addiction seriously.

Psychedelics in medicine

The counterculture has long associated psychedelic drugs with their movement. Native American cultures have used hallucinogenic plants for thousands of years, but researchers coined the term “psychedelic” in the 1950s to describe these substances.

In the 1960s, hippies embraced Psychedelics Medicine as a way to expand consciousness and set themselves apart from mainstream society.

People stigmatized the drugs due to their associations with countercultural movements, and President Nixon banned them under Schedule I in 1971 for being too dangerous.

Psilocybin in medicine 

Research indicates that psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can be used to treat depression, anxiety, and addiction.

You may have heard about magic mushrooms and psilocybin, the active ingredient in them.

Evidence suggests that a single dose of psilocybin may be able to “reset” the brain’s neural circuits and reduce depression symptoms for an extended period. But what exactly is psilocybin? How does it work?

And how can it help us cope with mental health issues like depression?

Native Americans have used psilocybin, a natural psychedelic medicine in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.

It’s also being studied as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and addiction by some universities across the globe, and results from some studies have shown that it can be effective at reducing symptoms of these conditions.

A research team led by Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris at Imperial College London looked at the effects of psilocybin on 15 healthy volunteers who had never previously taken a hallucinogen.

The researchers found that after receiving psilocybin, the volunteers showed increased connectivity between different regions of their brains involved with processing emotions and self-awareness—a change that persisted for more than six months after treatment ended, even without ongoing use over time. 

The authors concluded: “[This] work provides support for our previous hypothesis that acute psilocybin produces lasting changes in both behavioral pattern recognition and emotional processing.”

Ayahuasca and substance abuse.

Some research suggests that Ayahuasca may help treat depression and substance abuse. The name “ayahuasca” is a combination of the Quechua words for “vine” (aya) and “wood” (Huesca). 

They combine both ingredients with water to make an ayahuasca brew, which sits overnight before drinking.

People in South America have used ayahuasca in religious ceremonies since at least 500 CE, and shamans still commonly consume it today as part of their healing practice.

Indigenous peoples consider ayahuasca a sacred medicine. Some evidence suggests it may help treat depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and possibly PTSD, but more research is needed.


MDMA, formerly known as ecstasy or molly, can ease PTSD symptoms and boost feelings of hope and empathy.

In a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2018, researchers found that MDMA-assisted therapy helped reduce PTSD symptoms and allowed many participants to resume day-to-day activities.

Two years after treatment, 62% of subjects no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Subjects also reported feeling higher levels of optimism and empathy after treatment than they had before taking MDMA.

Other studies have shown similar positive results. In a 2016 study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School Of Medicine’s Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit. Participants who received two doses of psilocybin or one dose followed by two doses six weeks later experienced significant reductions in feelings of anxiety or depression. After the second dose, their scores decreased by an average of 42% to 56% compared to their pre-drug scores.

ketamine was approved by the FDA in America 

In 2017, the FDA approved ketamine as a fast-acting treatment for hard-to-treat depression.

Administered intravenously, the drug works quickly. It can be used in emergencies when patients need relief from suicidal thoughts or depression and are not responding to other medications.

The FDA’s decision may open doors for further research into psychedelics as potential treatments for mood disorders. And will certainly raise questions about how these drugs are regulated and who should have access to them.

Summary: Psychedelic medicine is increasingly recognized as having therapeutic potential.

Psychedelic drugs have been used in religious ceremonies in many cultures for centuries. But they’ve also been studied by scientists who want to understand how they work and their effects on the brain and behavior. 

In recent decades, psychedelic substances have been harnessed for their therapeutic potential within the medical field. With their application occurring in various countries such as the United States and Canada. Today, some psychedelic drugs like Ibogaine and Iboga are being studied for their ability to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and addiction. Other studies are examining their effect on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Psychedelic medicine is more than just a fun party experience. While potentially risky if misused, there is substantial evidence of their therapeutic potential for treating mental health conditions.

The best part of this new era of psychedelic research is that it goes beyond pharmaceutical medications. You can explore these mind-altering substances on your terms with ayahuasca retreats, MDMA therapy sessions, and other psychedelic-based treatments.

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